What is it used for?

The Survey panel allows you to create customized questionnaires and surveys in order to automatically send them your guests, using the sending rules of the “User Engagement” feature.
By using the survey editor, the system manager creates a questionnaire choosing between the available types of questions. You can choose between open-ended questions, multiple choice questions and evaluation questions (which serve to give opinion about the services and the products of a location.)

In order to send the questionnaire to users, you must also create an invitation email for the survey. This message will contain the web-link to visualize the survey and will be sent to users according to the exact sending times and modes set by the system manager within the associated rule in the panel of the “User Engagment” feature.
The survey feature also supports the creation of one or more landing pages for redirecting users after they have completed the survey. These landing pages can be customized according to the satisfaction level of the user.

Survey list

Survey list columns

The columns of the survey list show some details and stats about every single survey in the system.

The reported parameters are:

  • Survey title: shows the title set for the survey.
  • Sent: reports the number of inviting emails sent to users for the survey.
  • Answers: shows the number and the percentage of completed surveys to the date.
  • Default language: in this field, tou can see which language is set as the default language for the survey.
  • Alternative languages: it shows all the translations available for the survey. These translations must be inserted by the system administrator.
  • Analytics: lets you access to the results of the survey.
  • Results: in this panel you can visualize all the details about the users who completed the questionnaire and their answers (date, name, email. Score, etc.).
  • Stats: this panel shows the bar charts summing up all the answers given by users.
  • Tools: it contains the 4 tool buttons.
  • Edit: it allows to edit the questions and the invitation email sent for the selected survey.
  • Language: it allows you to add more translations for the survey besides the default one.
  • Preview: it lets you send a preview of the invitation email containing a web-link to the selected survey.
  • Delete: it allows you to completely erase a survey and all the related data and stats.

How to Create a New Survey

In order to create a new survey, you must compose an online questionnaire and several other messages, such as invitation emails and different landing pages and thank you pages for the users. In order to invite them to complete the survey and thank them when they do it.

To create a survey, you must set up some info and parameters, which are the following:

  • Basic data:
    • Default language for the survey: in this droop down menu you must choose which language to set as the default language fotr the survey.
    • Survey title: name the survey as you wish. This name will not be visible for users.
    • Introduction: you can insert here a short description of the survey, to be shown to users when they start filling out the questionnaire.
  • Invitation email:
    • Email object: you can set here the object of the invitation email for the survey.
    • Email text: using this editor, you can compose a personalized message to be sent to users as an invitation email to complete the survey. You can insert colored text, links, images, tables and customized HTML code.
      N.B.: in order to let users access to the questionnaire and complete it, you must insert the Survey URL into your message. To do so, select “Placeholder” into the drop down menu and click on “Survey URL”. In the body of the text a [[survey_url]] code will appear. This code will be automatically replaced with a web-link to the online survey.
    • Maximum frequence: it allows you to set the maximum number of times in which thwe survey will be sent to the user, in a certain amount of time.
  • Satisfaction thresholds:
    • Satisfaction thresholds: it allows you to set the average score by which a user can be considered satisfied, dissatisfied or neutral in reference to the object of the questions. In order to define the thresholds, just move the buttons on the colored bar and choose the values between which you want to set the thresholds.  The numbers and the colors (red, yellow and green) define the satisfaction level of the user (respectively, dissatisfied, neutral or satisfied).
      N.B.:  the scores that define the thresholds are calculated averaging evry single score assigned by users to the “scoring” and “evaluation” questions. If the questionnaire doesn’t contain any of this type of questions, it won’t be possible t calculate any satisfaction threshold at all.
    • Landing page text (satisfied users): in this form, you can insert text, images and other content to be shown to users who filled out the survey and whose total score is equal to or greater than that defined by the administrator as a satisfied user score. The landing page will be shown to users only after they complete the survey. 
    • Landing page text (unsatisfied users): here you can insert a message to be shown to those users who have completed the survey, resulting dissatified according to the their total score.
    • Landing page text (neutral ratings): here you can insert a message to be shown to those users who have completed the survey, resulting neutral according to the their total score.
  • Survey questions: 
    in this area you can create the actual questionnaire, defining every single question which will be asked to the users. This tool is a composer, similar to the Guest Portal composer, which allow you to insert different kinds of customizable questions. In order to start composing your questionnaire, you must click on the “Add question” button and choose which question to insert. You can insert more than one question for each kind.
    N.B.: once the survey has been created, the “Survey questions” area will be editable just until the survey has not been sent to anyone. Once the survey will be completed for the first time by any user, it won’t be possible to edit the questions anymore. You can set any question to be mandatory or optional jst by flagging the “Mandatory” setting.

Once finished with the creation of the survey, click on the “Create” button to save the survey.

Questions creation tools

Let’s see in detail which types of questions are available for creating a survey, and their characteristics:

  • Simple text: allows to insert a short description or comment for introducing the survey or a question.
  • Short answer: it allows you to insert an open question which requires a short answer from the user.
  • Long answer: lets you create a question which requires a long answer from the user.
  • Multiple choice: it allows you to insert a question which obliges the user to select and flag one or more options between the ones you provide. In order to add or delete any answer option, you must click on the “+” or “-“ symbols in the box.
  • Single choice: it allows you to insert a question which implies for the user tochoose just one of the options provided. permette di inserire una domanda che preveda, per chi compila il sondaggio, la scelta di una sola risposta tra le opzioni suggerite dall’amministratore. In order to add or delete any answer option, you must click on the “+” or “-“ symbols in the box.
  • Score: this type of answer requires the user to answer assigning a rate (included between 1 and 10) to a certain valutation object. For example, if a hotelier wants to know the rating that his guests would assign to one of his hotel services, this is the right kind of question to use. The “Label” fields define the minimum, medium and maximum values for the question. E.g., if the question would be: “How is our Giant Burger?”, the labels should be set on “Bad, On Average, Good”.

You can decide if to include or exclude the scoring of a single question from averaging in the calculation of the satisfaction thresholds.

  • Evaluation: this question type requires the user to give his opinion about something, by choosing 1 of the 5 available emoticons, every one of which express a different satisfaction level.

You can decide if to include or exclude the scoring of a single question from averaging in the calculation of the satisfaction thresholds.

  • Page break: you can use this element to divide the survey in 2 or more pages, in order to make it more easy and comfortable for the user to read.

N.B.: remember that, for any type of question, you can set the answer to be mandatory or optional.

Creating surveys in alternative languages

Once you have created a survey with a default language, the system allows you to create alternative versions and translations of the survey. In order to preceed with inserting any  alternative language, click on the “Language” button contained in the tools section of the survey panel.
You will visualize a screen containing a copy of the default language version of the survey. Click on the “Add language” button and choose in the dropdown menu which language to add.

You can now see a new copy of the survey in which all of the fields must be filled. Insert the texts and contents translated in the new language and press the “Edit” button at the bottom of the screen to save the new version of the survey.

From now on, in the Survey panel, a country flag – corresponding to the country of the new language - will appear. By clicking on the flag, you can set that language as the default language for the survey.

N.B.: Once the sending rule for the survey has been activated in the “Engagement” feature panel, the system will automatically send the survey to users in their own language, if supported by the survey. Whenever the system shouldn’t be able to understand the country language of a user’s device, the survey will be sent in the default language set for the survey.

Create a survey from a template

The system lets you create surveys form several pre-defined templates, containing some default settings such as the invitation email text, a default text for the landing pages and some questions.
In order to exploit this feature and create a new survey from a template, click on the “New survey from template” button. A table containing all the available templates will appear, allopwing you to choose between 2 actions:

  • To directly proceed to survey creation, by clicking on the “Use template” button in the tools section of the table;
  • To visualize a preview of the template, by clicking on the “preview” button and sending an email to with a link to the survey to an emailo address of your liking.

Once you have chosen which template to use for creating the survey, you can proceed to the customization of the template, as described in the “How to create a new survey” paragraph of this guide.

Calculation of the satisfaction thresholds

The satisfaction thresholds of a user is determined by averaging the score and rating assigned by the user for the “evaluation” and “scoring” questions contained in the questionnaire.
These are the values:

  • “Scoring” questions: for this kind of questions, the assigned value exactly matches the rating assigned by the user, i.e. a number between 1 and 10. For example, if a user answers a question assigning a score of 7, the corresponding value will be 7. This number will count in the calculation of the average score defining the satisfaction threshold.
  • ”Evaluation” questions: for this kind of questions, the score assigned to every answer matches with a multiple of the number 2 (from a minimum of 2 to a a maximum of 10), with every emoticon counting for a different value. The value for the icons, which are taken in count in the calculation of the average score defining the satisfaction threshold, are the following:

How to send the surveys

In order to send the invitation email containing the web-link to the survey, the system exploit the sending rules of the “User Engagement” feature.

Using the sending automations of the Engagement, you can dispense your survey to users both while they still are in your location and/or when they left. The sending options allow you ti choose whether to immediately contact the users or if to contact them later, after a certain pre-defined amount of time.

In both cases, there are 2 actions which can trigger the sending:

  • When the user visits the Guest Portal;
  • When the user access the Internet.

In order to set the rules, you can use the same proceedings described in the engagement rules creation sheet of this guide.

In the dropdown menu, you must choose “Send a survey by Email”, then select the survey you wish to send and when to send a possible second invitation (in case the user didn’t complete the survey in the first instance).